Major Event

Traditional methods of attendance tracking often led to inaccuracies and required significant time from teachers to manage. With the adoption of ERP software, the school has introduced real-time attendance tracking, which has revolutionized how attendance is recorded and monitored.

Teachers can now mark attendance digitally, and parents receive instant notifications if their child is absent. The system automatically updates attendance records, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that data is always up-to-date.

This has not only made the process more efficient for teachers but has also encouraged better attendance among students, as parents are now more involved. The school has seen a noticeable improvement in attendance rates, contributing to a more engaged and accountable student body.

Suggested New Idea

  • Real-Time Attendance Tracking
    Enhancing student accountability by providing real-time attendance transparency boosts engagement and fosters a more involved learning environment. Instant updates ensure students are consistently monitored, promoting a proactive approach to education.